The St. Anthony Singers
Featured in Playlists
The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 5 While thus we bow
Henry Purcell, Christopher Keyte, The St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra & Sir Charles Mackerras
6:57 In 8 playlists
The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 3 I attempt from Love's sickness to fly
Henry Purcell, April Cantelo, Wilfred Brown, Ian Partridge, The St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra & Sir Charles Mackerras
4:58 In 8 playlists
The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 3 Ah how happy are we
Henry Purcell, Wilfred Brown, Ian Partridge, The St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra & Sir Charles Mackerras
3:39 In 15 playlists
The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 2 I come to sing great Zempoalla's story
Henry Purcell, Robert Tear, Wilfred Brown, Ian Partridge, Christopher Keyte, The St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra & Sir Charles Mackerras
5:13 In 10 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 5 Symphony Our Natives (Chorus) original version
Henry Purcell, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:19 In 10 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 5 Symphony Round thy Coasts (Pan and Nereide) original version
Henry Purcell, Heather Harper, Trevor Anthony, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
3:43 In 9 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 4 How happy the Lover (Tenor) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Mary Thomas, John Whitworth, Wilfred Brown, John Cameron, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
8:07 In 5 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 3 Sound a Parley (Cupid Genius) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, Trevor Anthony, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
4:29 In 5 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 3 'Tis I that have warm'd ye (Cupid) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:13 In 9 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 3 No part of my Dominium (Cupid) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
5:01 In 15 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 2 Shepherd shepherd leave Decoying (Shepherdesses) original version
Henry Purcell, Mary Thomas, Heather Harper, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:46 In 13 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 2 How blest are Shepherds (Shepherd) original version
Henry Purcell, Wilfred Brown, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
4:00 In 15 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 2 Come follow follow follow me (Philidel) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:17 In 11 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 2 Hither this way (Philidel) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:36 In 10 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 1 'Come if you dare' (tenor) original version
Henry Purcell, David Galliver, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
3:12 In 6 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 1 I call ye all (Tenor) original version
Henry Purcell, David Galliver, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
2:01 In 10 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 1 The Lot is cast (soprano) original version
Henry Purcell, Elsie Morison, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
3:59 In 10 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 1 The White Horse Neigh'd aloud (tenor) original version
Henry Purcell, John Whitworth, David Galliver, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
1:33 In 12 playlists
King Arthur or The British Worthy (1691) Act 1 Woden first to thee (Bass) original version
Henry Purcell, Hervey Alan, The St. Anthony Singers, London Philharmonic Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
3:14 In 12 playlists
Dido and Aeneas Act 3 But death...When I am laid...With drooping wings...
Henry Purcell, Dame Janet Baker, The St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra & Anthony Lewis
9:02 In 11 playlists
Dido and Aeneas Thy hand Belinda ... When I am laid in earth
Henry Purcell, Dame Janet Baker, Anthony Lewis, English Chamber Orchestra & The St. Anthony Singers
5:03 In 8 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by The St. Anthony Singers on PLAYLISTED. Like The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 5 While thus we bow, The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 3 I attempt from Love's sickness to fly, The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 3 Ah how happy are we and The Indian Queen Z. 630 Act 2 I come to sing great Zempoalla's story.