Richard Bernas
Featured in Playlists
Greek Act 2 Conclusion
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:34 In 13 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 5b (Eddy's Funeral March)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:42 In 14 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 5a (Eddy's 'Blinding')
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Fiona Kimm, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
3:55 In 6 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 4c (Eddy's Soliloquy of Regret)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, Fiona Kimm, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:33 In 10 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 4b (Dad's Story of Kid)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
3:36 In 9 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 4a (Eddy's Return)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Fiona Kimm, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:41 In 15 playlists
Greek Act 2 Link 2 (Killing of Sphinx Eddy's Triumphant...)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
0:50 In 13 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 3 (Sphinx)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Fiona Kimm, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
7:12 In 7 playlists
Greek Act 2 Link 1 (Journey to the Sphinx)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
0:50 In 10 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 2c (Plague Link)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, Helen Charnock, Quentin Hayes, Fiona Kimm, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:49 In 9 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 2b (Quartet)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Fiona Kimm, Quentin Hayes, Helen Charnock, Richard Suart, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
0:54 In 12 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 2a (Arrival of Mum & Dad)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, Helen Charnock, Richard Suart, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:03 In 10 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 1a (Café)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Fiona Kimm, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:49 In 14 playlists
Greek Act 2 Prologue
Mark-Anthony Turnage, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:09 In 5 playlists
Greek Act 1 Link 4 Scene 6 (Mum & Dad)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, Helen Charnock, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:06 In 7 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 5e (Love Duet reprise)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, Fiona Kimm, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:32 In 7 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 5d (Aria The Story of Kid)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Fiona Kimm, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:19 In 6 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 5c (Love Duet)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Fiona Kimm, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
4:16 In 5 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 5b (Fight)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:50 In 9 playlists
Greek Act 1 Interlude 1 Scene 5a (Café)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, Fiona Kimm, Helen Charnock, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
2:46 In 14 playlists
Greek Act 1 Link 3 Scene 4 (Police Riot)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, Chorus, Helen Charnock, Dennis Marks, Peter Jonas, Helen Crayford, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
6:18 In 10 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 3 (The Plague)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Richard Suart, Helen Charnock, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
3:41 In 6 playlists
Greek Act 1 Link 2 (Mum & Dad)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Richard Suart, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
0:32 In 14 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 2b (Eddy's Farewell)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Fiona Kimm, Quentin Hayes, Richard Suart, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
3:41 In 12 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 2a (Fortune-teller)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
4:05 In 13 playlists
Greek Act 1 Link 1 (Breakfast Quartet)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Helen Charnock, Fiona Kimm, Richard Suart, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
1:25 In 8 playlists
Greek Act 1 Scene 1 (Pub & Wine Bar Music)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, Chorus, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
4:06 In 5 playlists
Greek Act 1 Prologue
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Quentin Hayes, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
0:32 In 8 playlists
Greek Act 2 Scene 1b (Love Aria)
Mark-Anthony Turnage, Fiona Kimm, The Greek Ensemble & Richard Bernas
4:01 In 8 playlists
East 11th St. NY 10003
James Dillon, Music Projects London & Richard Bernas
4:48 In 9 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by Richard Bernas on PLAYLISTED. Like Greek Act 2 Conclusion, Greek Act 2 Scene 5b (Eddy's Funeral March), Greek Act 2 Scene 5a (Eddy's 'Blinding') and Greek Act 2 Scene 4c (Eddy's Soliloquy of Regret).