Le Concert d'Astrée
Featured in Playlists
Bach JS Magnificat in D Major BWV 243 Et exsultavit spiritus meus (Soprano II)
Johann Sebastian Bach, Emmanuelle Haïm & Le Concert d'Astrée
2:14 In 14 playlists
Handel Cantata VI A mirarvi io son intento HWV 178 A mirarvi io son intento
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Brian Feehan, Patricia Petibon & Marijana Mijanovic
6:22 In 8 playlists
Handel Cantata V Va speme infida HWV199 Mase mendace e vana
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Laura Claycomb, Anna Maria Panzarella & Brian Feehan
3:59 In 9 playlists
Handel Cantata X Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi HWV197 Ma se l'alma sempre geme
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Laura Monica Pustilnik, Laura Claycomb & Sara Mingardo
3:10 In 6 playlists
Handel Cantata XV Quel fior che all'alba ride HWV192 E unfior la vita ancora
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Brian Feehan, Anna Maria Panzarella & Patricia Petibon
0:40 In 15 playlists
Handel Cantata XVI No di voi non vo' fidarmi HWV189 Altra volta incatenarmi
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Brian Feehan, Laura Claycomb & Anna Maria Panzarella
1:35 In 8 playlists
Handel Cantata XX Ahi nelle sorte umane HWV 179 Ma le speranze vane
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Veronique Gens & Natalie Dessay
3:56 In 15 playlists
Handel Cantata XX Ahi nelle sorte umane HWV 179 Ahi nelle sorte umane
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée, Natalie Dessay & Veronique Gens
3:03 In 7 playlists
Handel Mi palpita il cor HWV 132b Ho tanti affanni in petto
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée & Natalie Dessay
7:53 In 8 playlists
Handel Aci Galatea e Polifemo HWV 72 Qui l'augel da pianta in pianta lieto vola (Aci)
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Natalie Dessay & Le Concert d'Astrée
11:08 In 15 playlists
Handel Il Delirio Amoroso HWV 99 Per te lasciai la luce
George Frideric Handel, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée & Natalie Dessay
9:38 In 8 playlists
Dido and Aeneas ACT 3 Scene 2
Henry Purcell, Susan Graham, Emmanuelle Haïm & Le Concert d'Astrée
7:00 In 9 playlists
Dido and Aeneas Z. 626 Act III Scene 2 Thy hand Belinda Darkness shades me (Dido)
Henry Purcell, Susan Graham, Emmanuelle Haïm & Le Concert d'Astrée
0:57 In 7 playlists
Dido and Aeneas Z. 626 Act I Ah! Belinda I am press'd with torment (Dido)
Henry Purcell, Emmanuelle Haïm, Le Concert d'Astrée & Susan Graham
4:09 In 13 playlists
Dido and Aeneas Z. 626 Overture
Henry Purcell, Emmanuelle Haïm & Le Concert d'Astrée
2:15 In 15 playlists
Cavalli La Didone Alle ruine del mio regno...Tremulo spirito
Francesco Cavalli, Emmanuelle Haïm & Le Concert d'Astrée
8:06 In 7 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by Le Concert d'Astrée on PLAYLISTED. Like Bach JS Magnificat in D Major BWV 243 Et exsultavit spiritus meus (Soprano II), Handel Cantata VI A mirarvi io son intento HWV 178 A mirarvi io son intento, Handel Cantata V Va speme infida HWV199 Mase mendace e vana and Handel Cantata X Tanti strali al sen mi scocchi HWV197 Ma se l'alma sempre geme.