Jorma Hynninen
Featured in Playlists
Kalevi Kiviniemi, Jorma Hynninen & Marko Ylönen
2:45 In 9 playlists
Kotilainen Varpunen jouluaamuna
Otto Kotilainen & Jorma Hynninen
4:32 In 9 playlists
Nyt Riemuiten Tänne
Jorma Hynninen & Candomino
1:09 In 12 playlists
Joulukirkkoon Tonttujen jouluyo Joulupukki No, onkos tullut kesa Joulupuu on rakennettu
Pekka Juhani Hannikainen, Traditional, Jorma Panula, R. Raala, Vilhelm Sefve, Jorma Hynninen, Tapiola Choir & Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
8:19 In 7 playlists
Ranta Taas kaikki kauniit muistot
Sulho Ranta & Jorma Hynninen
3:19 In 10 playlists
Ensimmäinen joulu
Traditional from England & Jorma Hynninen
3:29 In 7 playlists
Sibelius Viisi joululaulua Op.1 No.2 Tervehtii jo meitä
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen & Ilkka Kuusisto
2:59 In 12 playlists
Joulun Kellot
Jorma Hynninen & Candomino
2:12 In 8 playlists
On hanget korkeat nietokset (The Shining Snows are Driven High)
Jean Sibelius, Ilkka Kuusisto, Jorma Hynninen, Finnish National Opera Chorus, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra & Kyosti Haatanen
3:11 In 13 playlists
Sylvian Joululaulu
Jorma Hynninen & Candomino
3:07 In 10 playlists
Simple Simme and Homeless Hamme (Simple Simon and his dog) Op. 70
Aulis Sallinen, Jorma Hynninen & Ralf Gothoni
4:44 In 12 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 8
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
3:12 In 6 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 7
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
1:26 In 12 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 6
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
1:03 In 14 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 5
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
8:08 In 12 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 4
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
4:02 In 15 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Interlude Largamente
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
1:01 In 8 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 3
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
4:04 In 5 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 2
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
3:49 In 6 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Scene 1
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
5:48 In 14 playlists
Jungfrun i tornet (The Maiden in the Tower) Overture
Jean Sibelius, MariAnne Häggander, Tone Kruse, Erland Hagegård, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Concert Hall Choir, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Neeme Järvi
2:53 In 11 playlists
Fidelio Op. 72 Act II Finale
Ludwig van Beethoven, Ritva Auvinen, Satu Vihavainen, Peter Lindroos, Jorma Silvasti, Tom Krause, Bengt Rundgren, Jorma Hynninen, Savonlinna Festival Opera Choir, The Savonlinna Opera Festival Orchestra & Ulf Söderblom
13:33 In 13 playlists
Koskenlaskian morsiammet (The Rapid-Rider's Brides) Op. 33
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
9:18 In 9 playlists
6 Songs Op. 36 (version for voice and piano) Demanten pa marssnon (The Diamond on the March Snow) Op. 36 No. 6
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
3:07 In 13 playlists
Twelfth Night Op. 60 (version for voice and orchestra) Trettondagsafton (Twelfth Night) Op. 60 Kom nu hit Dod (Come away Death)
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
2:56 In 12 playlists
5 Songs Op. 38 (version for voice and orchestra) Pa verandan vid havet (On a Balcony by the Sea) Op. 38 No. 2
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
3:14 In 14 playlists
King Kristian II Op. 27 No. 4. The Song of the Cross-spider (version for voice and orchestra) Kung Kristian II (King Christian II) Op. 27 Sangen om korsspindeln (Fool's Song of the Spider)
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
3:37 In 9 playlists
Serenad (Serenade) JS 168
Jean Sibelius, Jorma Hynninen, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra & Jorma Panula
4:47 In 13 playlists
Kun talo alkaa soida (When the House Begins to Resound)
Ilkka Kuusisto, Jorma Hynninen, Lahti Symphony Orchestra & Jaakko Kuusisto
19:01 In 14 playlists
Fidelio Op. 72 Act 2 No. 16 Finale
Ludwig van Beethoven, Modest Mussorgsky, Jorma Hynninen, Peter Lindroos, Tom Krause, Ritva Auvinen, Satu Vihavainen, Jorma Silvasti, Aki Alamikkotervo, Jorma Falck, Martti Talvela, Heikki Kilpelainen, Usko Viitanen & Bengt Rundgren
13:33 In 10 playlists
Kullervo Op. 61 Act I Scene 2 Mina tahdon olla tuoksuva ja lammin kuin nuori leipa (Smith's Young Wife)
Aulis Sallinen, Jorma Hynninen, Eeva-Liisa Saarinen, Matti Salminen, Jorma Silvasti, Satu Vihavainen, Anna-Lisa Jakobsson, Pertti Makela, Juha Kotilainen, Paula Etelavuori, Marko Putkonen, Matti Heinikari, Esa Ruuttunen, Vesa-Matti Loiri, Finnish National Opera Chorus, Finnish National Opera Orchestra & Ulf Söderblom
3:06 In 5 playlists
Thomas Act I Soma Soma (Chorus Thomas)
Einojuhani Rautavaara, Jorma Hynninen, Peter Lindroos, Matti Piipponen, Sini Rautavaara, Marko Putkonen, Antti Suhonen, Anssi Hirvonen, Hannu Sokka, Jaakko Hietikko, Anitta Juhala-Jolkkonen, Joensuu Music School Choir, Savonlinna Festival Opera Choir, Joensuu City Orchestra & Pekka Haapasalo
4:26 In 7 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by Jorma Hynninen on PLAYLISTED. Like Joulurukous, Kotilainen Varpunen jouluaamuna, Nyt Riemuiten Tänne and Joulukirkkoon Tonttujen jouluyo Joulupukki No, onkos tullut kesa Joulupuu on rakennettu.