Helene Leanderson
Featured in Playlists
Five Songs Op. 16 (1916) I. Autumn Tears
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:49 In 12 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) XII. Granssanger (Border-songs)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:08 In 13 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) XI. Pa besok hos en van i hans lantgard (Stopping at a Friend s Farm-house)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:32 In 11 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) X. Granslos langtan (Endless Yearning)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
2:28 In 8 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) IX. En hovdikt (A Palace Poem)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:37 In 14 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) VIII. En suck fran en trappa av jade (A Sigh from a Staircase of Jade)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
2:08 In 14 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) VII. Fullmanen (Looking at the Full Moon and Thinking of One Far Away)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:59 In 7 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) VI. Lyssnande till nattlig flojt fran Shouhsiang-muren (On Hearing a Flute at Night from the Wall of Shou-hsiang)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
0:42 In 10 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) V. Poem (A Poem)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:10 In 8 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) IV. Pa vag over Han-floden (Crossing the Han River)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:29 In 11 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) III. Sno pa floden (River-snow)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:02 In 10 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) II. I bambusnaret (In a Retreat Among Bamboos)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:20 In 11 playlists
14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) I. Varsang (A Spring Song)
Hilding Rosenberg, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:15 In 10 playlists
5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady BB 72 V. Nem mehetek hozzad (I Cannot Come to You)
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
3:51 In 7 playlists
5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady BB 72 IV. Egyedul a tengerrel (Alone with the Sea)
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
3:49 In 15 playlists
5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady BB 72 III. Az agyam hivogat (My Bed is Calling)
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
4:10 In 5 playlists
5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady BB 72 II. Az oszi larma (Autumn Sounds)
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
2:51 In 15 playlists
5 Songs on Poems by Endre Ady BB 72 I. Harom oszi konnycsepp (Autumn Tears)
Béla Bartók, Rolf Leanderson & Helene Leanderson
1:49 In 9 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by Helene Leanderson on PLAYLISTED. Like Five Songs Op. 16 (1916) I. Autumn Tears, 14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) XII. Granssanger (Border-songs), 14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) XI. Pa besok hos en van i hans lantgard (Stopping at a Friend s Farm-house) and 14 Kinesiska sanger (14 Chinese Songs) X. Granslos langtan (Endless Yearning).