David Thomas
Featured in Playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 10 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 12 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 9 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 6 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 15 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 14 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 7 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 7 playlists
Happy and Relaxed
David Thomas
5:36 In 6 playlists
Irelande (9 melodies) Op.2 Chant Guerrier (Gounet)
Hector Berlioz, Ryland Davies, David Thomas, Heinrich Schütz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith & Sir Roger Norrington
3:50 In 14 playlists
Messiah Part 3 Behold I Tell You A Mystery...The Trumpet Shall Sound
George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
9:00 In 10 playlists
Messiah Part 2 Why Do The Nations...Let Us Break Asunder
George Frideric Handel, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Simon Preston, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
3:15 In 7 playlists
Mass in G Missa Sancti Nicolai Hob.XXII 6 6. Agnus Dei
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Shirley Minty, Rogers Covey-Crump, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
6:09 In 14 playlists
Mass in G Missa Sancti Nicolai Hob.XXII 6 5. Benedictus
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Shirley Minty, Rogers Covey-Crump, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
5:15 In 13 playlists
Mass in G Missa Sancti Nicolai Hob.XXII 6 3. Credo
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Shirley Minty, Rogers Covey-Crump, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
5:35 In 6 playlists
Mass in G Missa Sancti Nicolai Hob.XXII 6 1. Kyrie
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Shirley Minty, Rogers Covey-Crump, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
3:05 In 15 playlists
Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) Hob. XXV 5 5a. Agnus Dei
Franz Joseph Haydn, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
1:52 In 10 playlists
Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) Hob. XXV 5 3c. Crucifixus
Franz Joseph Haydn, Margaret Cable, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
3:06 In 5 playlists
Missa Sancta Caeciliae (Missa cellensis) Hob. XXV 5 2d. Domine Deus
Franz Joseph Haydn, Margaret Cable, Martyn Hill, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
5:06 In 6 playlists
Missa in Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Grosse Orgel Hob.XXII 4 5. Benedictus
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Carolyn Watkinson, Martyn Hill, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
5:47 In 9 playlists
Missa in Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Grosse Orgel Hob.XXII 4 2. Gloria
Franz Joseph Haydn, Carolyn Watkinson, Martyn Hill, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
8:56 In 9 playlists
Missa in Honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae Grosse Orgel Hob.XXII 4 1. Kyrie
Franz Joseph Haydn, Judith Nelson, Carolyn Watkinson, Martyn Hill, David Thomas, Choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, Academy of Ancient Music & Simon Preston
5:21 In 6 playlists
Symphoniae Sacrae II 1615 Quem vidistis pastores a 14
Giovanni Gabrieli, Kevin Smith, Paul Elliott, Martyn Hill, Nigel Rogers, William Mason, Geoffrey Shaw, David Thomas, Taverner Choir, London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble & Andrew Parrott
7:54 In 13 playlists
With a Little Bit of Luck
Stanley Holloway, Gordon Dilworth, Rod McLennan, David Thomas & My Fair Lady Ensemble
4:07 In 13 playlists
Requiem in D minor K.626 Recordare Jesu pie
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Emma Kirkby, Carolyn Watkinson, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
6:10 In 15 playlists
Requiem in D minor K.626 Tuba mirum
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Emma Kirkby, Carolyn Watkinson, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, David Thomas, Academy of Ancient Music & Christopher Hogwood
3:52 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Chorus Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
7:31 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Aria (Countertenor) If God be for us
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
4:27 In 15 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Chorus But thanks be to God
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:09 In 5 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Duet (Countertenor & Tenor) O Death where is thy sting
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:44 In 5 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Recitative (countertenor) Then shall be brought to pass
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:18 In 15 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Aria (Bass) The Trumpet shall sound
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
8:49 In 10 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Recitative acc. (Bass) Behold I tell you a mystery
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:39 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Chorus Since by man came death
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:05 In 8 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 3 The Aftermath Aria (Soprano) I know that my Redeemer liveth
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
5:34 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Tenor) Thou shalt break them
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:06 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Recitative (Tenor) He that dwelleth in heaven (attacca)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:12 In 6 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Let us break their bonds asunder
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:45 In 14 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Bass) Why do the nations so furiously rage (attacca)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:22 In 15 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Their sound is gone out into all lands
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:44 In 8 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Soprano) How beautiful are the feet of them
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:19 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus The Lord gave the Word
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:11 In 9 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Countertenor) Thou art gone up on high
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:53 In 10 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Let all the angels of God worship him
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:25 In 10 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Recitative (Tenor) Unto which of the angels said He
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:22 In 6 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Lift up your heads O ye gates
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:01 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Soprano) But thou didst not leave His soul in Hell
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:10 In 10 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Recitative acc. (Soprano) He was cut off out of the land of the living
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:16 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Tenor) Behold and see if there be any sorrow
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:47 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Recitative acc. (Tenor) Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:46 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus He trusted in God that He would deliver Him
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:17 In 6 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Recitative acc. (Tenor) All they that see Him laugh (attacca)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:46 In 15 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus All we like sheep have gone astray
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:58 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus And with His stripes we are healed
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:34 In 14 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Surely He hath borne our griefs
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:52 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Aria (Countertenor) He was despised and rejected of men
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
11:13 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Behold the Lamb of God
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:13 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Chorus His yoke is easy His burthen is light
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:31 In 9 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria (Countertenor & Soprano) He shall feed His flock like a Shepherd
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
4:48 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative (Countertenor) Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:31 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria (Soprano) Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
4:13 In 9 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Chorus Glory to God in the highest
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:48 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative acc. (Soprano) And suddenly there was with the angel
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:16 In 5 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative (Soprano) And the angel said unto them
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:31 In 6 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitativ acc. (Soprano) And lo the Angel of the Lord came upon them
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:16 In 14 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative (Soprano) There were shepherds abiding
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:15 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Pifa (Pastoral Sinfonia) Larghetto (attacca)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:49 In 13 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Chorus For unto us a Child is Born
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:47 In 5 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria (Bass) The People that Walked in Darkness
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:47 In 11 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria Chorus O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
5:37 In 12 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative (Bass) For behold Darkness shall cover the Earth
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:02 In 8 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative (Countertenor) Behold a Virgin shall Conceive
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:30 In 7 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Chorus And He shall purify the sons of Levi
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:28 In 5 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria (Countertenor) But who may abide the day of His coming
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
4:19 In 13 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitative Thus saith the Lord
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
1:26 In 13 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Chorus And the Glory of the Lord shall be Revealed
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:48 In 7 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Aria (Tenor) Every valley shall be exalted
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:15 In 9 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Recitativo acc. (Tenor) Comfort ye my people (attacca)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
2:55 In 7 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 1 The Annunciation Overture (Sinfonia)
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:07 In 15 playlists
Part the First Majora Canamus (narrator) And without controversy
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
0:39 In 15 playlists
The Messiah HWV 56 Part 2 The Passion Chorus Hallelujah!
George Frideric Handel, Midori Suzuki, Yoshikazu Mela, Bach Collegium Japan, David Thomas & John Elwes
3:45 In 13 playlists
Discover more playlists and music by David Thomas on PLAYLISTED. Like Happy and Relaxed, Happy and Relaxed, Happy and Relaxed and Happy and Relaxed.